Kursy / Courses,  Nauczyciele

Wakacje 2024

W czasie wakacji 2024 r. nasi nauczyciele wzięli udział w kursach doszkalających.

  1. Design the Positive: Positive Thinking, Positive Communication and Positive Schol Spaces (Barcelona)
  2. Intensive English Language Course for Teachers and School Staff (Split)
  3. Yoga and Meditation for Educators: Be a Great Teacher, Be Your Best Self (Dublin)
  4. Successful Strategies for Teaching Students with Special Needs in Every Classroom (Split)
  5. English Language Course- Elementary Level (Dublin)
  6. The Well-being Code: Energy Tools and Mind Body Activities for Self-care (Dublin)
  7. CLIL in Primary School: Make It Work, Make It Effective (Dublin).

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