• Uczniowie,  Uncategorized,  Włochy / Italy

    Kindness and Friendship overcome barriers

    Our main objectives were to build these competences: – Linguistic competence: interaction among students from different countries improved their English through outdoor and indoor activities such as guided tours, talks. – Citizenship: students improved their social skills by experiencing Italian culture, language, and education system. Programme November 11th: -welcome @school -lab activities: “kindness and friendship overcome barriers”, music, languages and drawings November 12th: -Discovering the local area: morning guided tour of the ancient castle on Lake Bracciano. -Afternoon workshop activities in the classroom: “beyond world boundaries”, let’s build the universe with recycled materials. Music as universal language November 13th: Trip to Rome! Long walk through the heart of the city,…

  • Uczniowie,  Włochy / Italy

    Peaceful Talk, Happy Hearts – Building Bridges not Barriers

    Po raz kolejny zawitaliśmy do gościnnego Cerveteri. Tym razem to nasi uczniowie i uczennice z klasy 8 spędzili pięć dni, od 19 do 23 lutego 2024 r. we włoskiej szkole Istituto Comprensivo Salvo D’Acquisto, gdzie wraz z włoskimi kolegami i koleżankami pracowali nad projektem Non-hostile communication. Once again, we visited the hospitable town of Cerveteri. This time, it was our 8th-grade students who spent five days, from February 19th to 23rd, 2024, at the Italian school Istituto Comprensivo Salvo D’Acquisto, where they worked on the Non-hostile Communication project alongside their Italian counterparts. https://padlet.com/lucia_fabrizi/our-posters-about-communication-1calfzuzjq4g5koh Droga z Konstancina-Jeziorny była dłuuuga i dość uciążliwa, bo postawiliśmy sobie ambitny cel – korzystamy z zielonego…